Doctor of the Day
What Is The Doctor of the Day Program?
The Doctor of the Day Program is the NMAFP community service to the New Mexico State Legislature, and we need your help. Each volunteer serves a day (or more) to provide medical services to the legislators during the legislative session. Volunteers work in cooperation with the New Mexico Medical Society. NMAFP volunteers provide medical evaluation and care, and the NMMS provides pharmaceutical support when indicated. Volunteers will provide a cell phone number to the Round House operator and be “on-call” during the day. Medical services will be provided in the privacy of the legislator’s office. During the day volunteers, including Residents and Students shadowing volunteers, can observe the legislative sessions, provide testimony on behalf of the New Mexico Academy (only on issues of direct relevance to the Academy) and generally learn about the legislative process.
We encourage you to volunteer to be a Doctor of the Day during the 2025 Legislative Session. It’s set to be filled with interesting topics and issues relevant to the practice of primary care. Our lobbyist, Steve Lucero, will be at the Capitol to guide you through the day and provide the latest legislative updates. We have volunteer opportunities beginning Thursday, January 30 and ending Friday, March 21, 2025. Please sign up by clicking here to see live availability.
Where Is The Doctor of the Day Program?
NM State Capitol Building, 490 Old Santa Fe Trail, Santa Fe, NM 87501
Traveling north on I-25, take the Old Pecos Trail Exit. There is a parking structure west of the Round House, and you can park there at no charge. There is also a city lot two blocks east of the Round House, and it is also free. Another option is to drive past the Round House (Capitol Building) to the Garrett’s Desert Inn on your right. It is a very short walk (a block or so) back to the Round House. Please arrive by 9:30 A.M. and bring your stethoscope.
Another option is to take the Rail Runner to the Santa Fe Depot and walk the short distance to the Round House. For scheduling information, go to:

More Details
The DOD Volunteers will provide a cell phone number to the Round House operator and be “on call” during the day. You can find the Round House operator downstairs next to the bill room or call ‘0’ on the Capitol phone. You can store your coats, scarfs, lunches, etc. in the EMT Office Room 214 just outside the middle Senate Gallery doors. Medical services may be provided in the privacy of the legislator’s office or, when available, in the privacy of the EMT office. Blank nametags for all volunteers will be in a box in the file cabinet in the EMT Office. There are NMAFP DOD Business cards for volunteers to fill in their name and give to their Legislators. Patient Forms are in a binder. Both the box with nametags, business cards and the binder are located in the upper left-hand corner of the file cabinet in the EMT Office. OTCs are stored in the tall cabinet next to the desk. DOD volunteers will fill out a form for all patients seen in the Round House. Please consider bringing your computer to fill out an electronic encounter form which is attached. Alternatively, you may print blank encounter forms and handwrite on it. You may take a photo for your records and give the original to the patient.
EMT’s will be staffing the EMT Station Office in room 214; phone number 505-986-4799. The EMT for the day will have keys to the cabinet. The names and phone numbers of EMTs will be available when the session begins. For now, please address any questions related to EMT services during the 2025 Legislative Session to Eleanore Nestlerode at or Daniel Coyne at
If, for some reason, the EMT is not available, call Brhett Baca, the building’s superintendent, at (505) 986-4579 from Legislative Council Services (4th Floor).
During the day, volunteers can observe legislative sessions, offer individual testimony, offer testimony on behalf of the New Mexico Academy (only on issues of direct relevance to the Academy), or generally learn about the legislative process. The New Mexico Academy will determine relevancy of legislation based on the results of the survey.
Our lobbyist, Steve Lucero, will be available: or 505 328-1391. Dr. Rick Madden is the Chair of the Governmental Affairs Committee and will be at the Round House during some days of the 60-day session. Dr. Madden’s email is:, and his cell phone number is (505) 859-1128. Feel free to email or call either of them with questions.
The NMMS website: has briefing papers of priority issues physicians are following at the session. Please sign up for “Your Voice for Medicine” which gives weekly updates on legislation, calls for action and key hearing schedules.
New Mexico Legislature Website: To find your legislator, go to From the top menu click on Legislators. A drop-down menu will appear. Click on “Find my Legislator.” On the “Find Your Legislator” page, select “Search by Name, District, or Zip Code” for either House of Representatives or Senate. Enter your Zip Code. If you know your district number, you can enter that as well. The results will show a list of possible representatives and senators that represent your Zip Code. If there are multiple representatives listed for your specific Zip Code, then you will have to call your county clerk to complete your search.
To find or track a bill: Go to From the top menu click on Legislation. A drop-down menu will appear offering various options to search for legislation. Choose the desired option to begin your search. Select “Number” if you know the bill number. In the Session drop-down menu select “2025 Regular”. Select either House or Senate in the Chamber drop-down menu. In the Type drop-down menu select the bill “Type”; bill, memorial, etc. Enter the bill number and select “search.” If you do not know the bill number, you can conduct a search using the “Key Words” option; for example, using the word “health.” For help with bill terms and abbreviations, go to Quick Links from the top menu and select the desired link from the drop-down menu.
Please email your daily report to THAT EVENING so it can be forwarded immediately to all the volunteers. (No personal information should be shared about the patients you see.) If you have questions, please call (505) 292-3113. Thank you for helping serve our legislators as a Doctor of the Day, and advocating for Family Medicine.
If you need medical malpractice liability insurance coverage (because your employer or other source does not cover this activity) you may access a NM Dept. of Health program at the following link: